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Monkey Bubble Shooter 1.3.1

类型:养成经营 平台:安卓

大小:2.82MB 时间:2024-05-22


Monkey Bubble Shooter目录





monkey noise

michael's breath!

fade 1

my love have mercy,

my love have mercy

say no good for me,

say no good for me babe,

my love have mercy,

my love have mercy,

'aint no good for me babe,

to me it's coming down babe.

fade 2

every time i follow saying babe it's just too much for me,

i don't ever follow saying 'cause it's all a bless for me,

everybody is gonna doing to somebody's loving and start a fee,___

all my tender on you

don't you just, no stuffin' me.


wanna got get, just movin' the lawn

i might have did it but what i saw,

oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo hoo,


don't you monkey do it and do,

you can't lie down ----

oh no

nooo babe,

too much,

monkey business come down.

fade 3

my love have mercy,

my love have mercy,

don't be callin' me down mercy,

don't be callin' me down babe,

say love have mercy,


don't be callin' me down mercy,

don't be callin' me down babe.

fade 4

every time i follow saying babe it's just too much for me,

everybody is doing to somebody's loving; it seems to me

i just can't believe the things im seein' so just let it be,

all my tender on you,

so don't you stuck no stuff in me.


wanna got get, just movin' the lawn

i might have did it but what i saw,

oh no, noooo, no, noo,

don't you monkey do it and do,

you can't ----

oh no

nooo babe,

too much,

monkey business come down.

fade 5

i read the paper and i can't believe what's going round,

somebody's doing to somebody and somebody's tellin',

---- i'm really mad,


don't the monkey shout in me,


wanna got get, just movin' the lawn

i might have did it but what i saw,

oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo hoo,


don't you monkey do it and do,

you can't lie down ----

oh no

nooo babe,

too much,

monkey business come down.

chorus 2

wanna got get, just movin' the lawn

i might have did it but what i saw,

oh no, hoo, hee hee, hoo hoo,


seems right telling i'll be did it to you

ohhh no, go baby,

too much,

monkey business come down,

fade 6

hoo hee,

it's coming down babe,

hoo hoo,

monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey,

monkey business come down,

satisfying uuuh babe,

hee hee,

monkey business come down,

you know it babe,

you wanna fight it,

hee hee

monkey monkey monkey,

it's just monkey business come down,

your business, my business,

your business, my business,

you know it's a monkey,

monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey,

monkey business come down,

don't you monkey do it and do,

you can't lie ----,

oh noo,

i'm mercy, i'm mercy,

monkey business come down,

fade 7

and monkey see, and monkey do,

you can't ----,

oh noo, oh noo, i'm mercy,

monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey,

moneky business come down,

fade 8

your business, my business,

your business, my business,

your business, my business,

your business,

monkey business come down,

your business, my business,

your business, my business,

your business,

too much for the kids babe,

it's a monkey business come down

oh noo babe, noo, noo!!!

"monkey noise"



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